Daily Diary, April 28, 2020

Another exceptional day has nearly passed. Much was accomplished in the way of “spiritual food” for the soul. This was accomplished by today serving the memorial (Panikhida) of Vladika Varlaam) at the cemetery in Surrey. Andy and I went in one car and Archbishop Lazar in another since he had to go somewhere after the memorial had been served.

At the nearest opportunity, my trusty little camera came out once again and memorized the images of both the grave of Vladika Varlaam and the grave of Fr Markel’s mother. Both of them have beautiful wooden crosses, fresh bouquets of flowers, candles, eggs, kulich. I am not sure of the count but it seems that there are now 12 burials in the Orthodox section of the cemetery. This was unknown to me soooo, I had only one egg, which had been reserved for the grave of Bishop Varlaam. He got the only egg but I broke the kulich up into many pieces and lay a piece on each grave with a “sign of the cross” and the words, “Christ is Risen!”

The service was served under a bright and sunny sky with what felt like the perfect temperature. We began with the triple “Christ is Risen…..” and then continued with the remainder of the Pannikhida service. A number of people joined in to help with the chanting, which was well done and a tribute to the love and respect shown for the memory of Vladika Varlaam.

As I am sitting at the computer and typing this diary, I can look out one window and see that it is raining. Then I look out the window on the opposite side of the room and it is not raining. What an interesting happening.

I was given some parcels of foods which were left in the kitchen so I must go over to inspect them and begin thinking of what kinds of kitchen mischief I might get into. On that note I shall sign off with the greeting of the festal season, “Christ is Risen!”

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