Today I have to report to the diary that although the day began as it usually does, it didn’t end up being a “normal” day.
The reason for the exceptional quality of the day is that not only is it the Tuesday of Pentecost Week, but the public library now has special arrangements for requesting books and for collecting them, while still practicing social distancing.
Andy took me into town for the collection of my new prescription and this was the first time I had experienced social distancing at the drugstore. The floor was marked with arrows and with footprints to show where to stand and what directions to travel. It was a bit strange to me but it did make it easier to know what to do. Any way, the end result is that I got the prescription and now, also good news, I have to take only one prescription a day, rather than two, which means no more getting up in the middle of the night to take the first prescription because now there is only one which I take first thing in the morning.
The trip to the library was another interesting experience in the distancing protocol. Again, there were footprints and little pads to show where a person should stand in order to maintain proper distances. The whole process was completed without ever touching anyone. A patron will show their card, the Librarian inside the building will then check the computer to see what books the patron has, these books will be packaged, set on a cart outside the door and when the Librarian has returned inside, the patron collects the package and the process is completed. It sounds a bit complicated but it was truly quite simple.
Oh yes, once again the diary wants to remind everyone interested, concerning the Saturday blessing of Vladika Varlaam’s grave marker on Saturday at 14.00, at the Surrey Cemetery.