Another interesting day. As before, I began the day by reading the Panikhida for all the 40 day commemorations of the reposed. Then it was time to go next door to the kitchen for another adventure in attempting to cook.
What to make? Since we had several kinds of fruits (oranges, grapefruits, bananas, cranberry jelled and dried apricots, it seemed like a good idea to try making a mixed fruit salad. I chopped all the fruit and mixed it with vegetarian mayonnaise and granola. Not only was it pleasant to look at, it also was delicious. The only tricky part of the whole procedure was that the salad had to sit for a while in order for the granola and the dried fruits, to soften enough to eat.
Then I went into the library to shelve a number of books which Kirill brought next door and which had been on Vladika Varlaam’s book shelves. This also provided a bit of time to go over the shelves in the library in order to refresh my memory, concerning what book titles we have, or at least the subject matter the books cover.
Following this, I met Kirill and his friend George, who came once again to work on my computer. With the work George did, my computer is now quite fast whereas, previously, it had been slow due to various faulty connections. Now it works well and is a joy to open and do searches for various subjects. It is amazing how much information dealing with Orthodox Christianity there is on the web and now it is possible to do a lot more serious searches.
I am still trying to complete the “Icon Corner Colouring Book” but still have to get the line drawings for it, from Abbotsford, where it is resting in the library of one of my friends. He was going to help me with the creation and formatting but became very ill and has been unwell and going through various tests for most of a year. Now I don’t want to ask him to bring the materials to me here because of his fragile health soooo, it may take a while for this work to “see the light of day” as the saying goes. I haven’t given up on the idea and as soon as the material is available, you can be sure that I will snatch it up and put it all together.
With that hopeful bit of news let me sign off with more joyful news that, “Christ is Risen!”1