Monday, May 6, 2019

I spent part of the day in the hospital where I had a bone scan, the first time ever for me. It was interesting, but somewhat lengthy and I was happy when it ended. I truly am glad that Vladika Lazar can drive me to such appointments and even for a short ride whenever the urge to do so falls upon me. Various people have phoned to tell me how much they enjoyed yesterday, as we had something taking place until about four o’clock in the afternoon. Our air conditioner has not yet been installed for the summer, so today it was exceedingly hot, even with the sliding door open. Father Moses played the part of the good Samaritan when I found a hummingbird in the laundry room. It tried to find its way out and, instead, collapsed from exhaustion. It was being looked after by “Doctor” Moses who has a way of handling birds [and even bats!]

Image may contain: bird and outdoor

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