This morning appointments were made for flu shots tomorrow for both Vladika Lazar and me. I know that some people are against such shots but I have not had the flu for at least 35 if not 40 years, ever since I began to get flu shots. After such a successful record, I do not want to break it. We simply have to walk into the pharmacy and the pharmacist will give us a free injection each. Thomas took the lawn mower tractor to mow around the parking area when it suddenly ceased running. It was getting too dark for him to try to investigate, so he simply pushed it up to the gatehouse where it can be examined tomorrow. I prepared a new Constant Contact announcement for Vladika to upload concerning this Sunday’s service and also something about the last Sunday of November. If any reader of this diary is not receiving this Constant Contact, please let me know so that we can add your email address to the list. Perhaps you might even add the addresses of your friends who would be willing to be on this list.